Turn PT into Profit 1 Day Sales & Marketing Course - classroom based
'Probably the best personal trainer in the world……but penniless'
So many trainers have great knowledge, enthusiasm and skill but when it comes to the crunch of selling they let themselves down through lack of confidence and inability to build on basic sales & promotion techniques
You will be shown how to create packages with the client in mind that will enable the trainer to build a strong client base and successful career.
- Sell results not sessions
- Listening leads to long term clients
- Spot the opportunity and land it
- Build a business without the braces
- It’s a shock but there is no substitute for hard work
Becoming a personal trainer means you have to become a business minded individual and this course puts into place the planning, budgeting and sales techniques that are needed to make your business exceptional.

Areas to be Covered:
- Trainer-specific marketing
- Financial planning
- Budgeting
- Money tracking
- Integration
- Monthly marketing plans
- Sales techniques
- Designing sales packages
- Remaining client focused
- Goal setting
- Role play
- Invest to progress
“I had completed lots of courses and had been a personal trainer for 3 years when I went on the sales & marketing course. The first thing that dawned on me was that I had wasted lots of money and time previously and that having my eyes opened to simple to use techniques increased my success rate in getting and keeping clients grew as did my business. A year later and I can hardly believe the difference, I have a great client base, busy days and spend all my time in the gym making money.”
Sarah Greenfield, PT
Minimum students: 10
Maximum students: 20
Students to attend 100% of the course
Cost per student: TBC